Author : dnbryn

Redemption Arcs: the big debate

There’s a hot take circulating lately that “some villains don’t deserve to have a redemption arc.” But I don’t believe this. No villain deserves a redemption arc. But every villain could have one, if they tried, if they worked towards it, if they’re written well in both their understanding of their wrongs and their dedication to being a better person. No villain deserves a […]

Writerly Updates and Goals

Due to real life getting in the way, I’ve taken a little break from posting here, but I’ve still been working just as steadily. Here are some updates, separated by series. The key points are highlighted for easy skimming. The Warlord Contracts. I’ve started querying Iron From Fire, but it’s become very obvious very quickly that […]

Building characters for a story

Donec sollicitudin in ipsum quis egestas. Maecenas odio augue, convallis sed mauris eu, ultrices ornare nisi. Aliquam dolor risus, porttitor at feugiat quis, dapibus et velit. Integer ultricies, augue a dapibus volutpat, odio enim accumsan arcu, eu eleifend urna velit ut lacus. Nunc risus libero, vestibulum ut cursus luctus, porttitor non augue. Proin posuere varius […]

Inspirations for my books

Donec vestibulum, enim ut aliquam posuere, augue leo porta quam, in sagittis dui magna eu justo. Sed vel libero quis nulla convallis euismod. Integer nibh mi, bibendum in congue at, placerat eget ligula. Sed mollis, nisi sed vehicula dignissim, augue sem auctor leo, in porttitor nisi tortor ac leo. Aenean consectetur pretium euismod. Suspendisse eget […]

How to do effecting writing

Proin vel augue et ipsum feugiat tempus commodo quis leo. Nullam eros turpis, placerat sed arcu nec, tincidunt dictum quam. Suspendisse dapibus purus in nisl ornare, sollicitudin consequat massa pharetra. Mauris non fermentum dui, non consectetur urna. Morbi commodo lorem ac porttitor tristique. Vivamus vitae erat quis neque efficitur gravida ut in nisi. Suspendisse in […]

Our Bloody Pearl Funsies!

A lot of fun Our Bloody Pearl related things went down on tumblr and instagram over the last few months, so I thought I’d share some of them here! Some great art… Murielle and Simone by Phy-be Perle by Pan Dejean by xlehx And so much more… Cinnia put together a fantastic OBP fan-playlist on […]

Writing Third Person Omniscient Point Of View.

Omniscient pov isn’t well loved by many (including myself), and that’s for primarily one reason: most people who write in omniscient pov have no idea what makes omniscient pov worthwhile or how to utilize it.  Many writers use omniscient pov as an easy way to get out of writing a good limited third person pov. This […]

A Word to Amateur Authors

My friends, my pals, my buddies, my fellow writers: Stop putting yourself down because some professional author with three best sellers writes better than you. Writing is a difficult skill that takes persistence and time to master. It takes writing bad books, then mediocre books, before you can finally write the good books, and then eventually […]

Discord Server

I’ve decided to make a place where people can find and communicate with me regardless of which social media sites they chose to exist on. Highlights of this server will include: Absolutely no hard feelings if you leave (and links to return whenever). A place to chat and connect with my other writers and readers. […]