Author : dnbryn

These Treacherous Tides Updates

Last month was Our Bloody Pearl (These Treacherous Tides Book 1)’s birthday! Some fun stuff went down in celebration… First off, the These Treacherous Tides series now has its own website!  Check it out for information on the characters, fun activities, and a compilation of fan works. You can now find out which These Treacherous Tides species […]

Writing Diversity: Can You Force it?

Writing diversity isn’t “forced.” What’s forced in writing is continuously cherry pick the situations in which many groups have been deliberately forced outby the one group who prides themselves as being ‘the norm.’ Let me explain: While the world is very diverse, there are situations and areas where someone could justify not including diversity (such as if you were writing […]

Why Can’t I Stick to My Outline?

The inability to write what you’ve outlined plagues many of us, and it has many potential causes, some of which have workarounds, while others don’t. Here’s just a couple: 1. You don’t know your characters well enough when you outline, so when you write them, they make unexpected choices. Solution: Develop your characters through writing before […]

Writing: Hobby vs Career. (Spoilers: both are hard!)

If you want to write as a career you’ll have to write on days you don’t want to. You’ll have to write when you aren’t motivated, when you aren’t in the mood, when writing isn’t any fun. Just because writing is something people can have fun doing, doesn’t mean it’s not a challenging and often tiresome career choice. Just as […]

Character Creation

I’ve been running my characters through these questions so I thought I might as well share them. They are meant to be a fun but challenging look at how your characters are going to interact with each other and the plot. The examples and explanations are simplistic versions and some stories (especially complex ones) will […]

Can Stories Truly be Good or Bad?

As I’ve grown as a writer, one unexpected change in the way I view and critique other stories is that I no longer see stories on a scale of good to bad, but from finished to unfinished. There are rarely ‘bad’ stories, only stories that needed more work to reach their true potential: stories that needed faster […]

Speculative Elephants: More About Description.

(A continuation of the feverish analysis in this post.) Let’s now consider a reader who has no idea what an elephant is. We the writer want to present our reader with words aligned in just the right way that we paint a picture of an elephant that will let the reader perfectly imagine it exactly as we […]

Descriptions as Elephants: the Happy Medium.

There are a lot of odd rules floating around about descriptions (some of which are useful and others… not so much), but to form writing theories that any writer can apply to their own work without losing their personal style, we often need to step back from the “rules” and examine things more broadly. There […]

The Writer VS Criticism

I’ll tell you a secret: I’m deathly afraid that no one actually likes my writing. (Which is a little silly when my debut is receiving a few hundred five star reviews for every one star equivalent, but brains aren’t always very logical). So if you’re doubting your own writing and whether people enjoy it, you aren’t […]