writers on writing

Writing: Hobby vs Career. (Spoilers: both are hard!)

If you want to write as a career you’ll have to write on days you don’t want to. You’ll have to write when you aren’t motivated, when you aren’t in the mood, when writing isn’t any fun. Just because writing is something people can have fun doing, doesn’t mean it’s not a challenging and often tiresome career choice. Just as […]

The Writer VS Criticism

I’ll tell you a secret: I’m deathly afraid that no one actually likes my writing. (Which is a little silly when my debut is receiving a few hundred five star reviews for every one star equivalent, but brains aren’t always very logical). So if you’re doubting your own writing and whether people enjoy it, you aren’t […]

Fighting Writer’s Block 101

I have various motivational tips and things in this tag, so I’ll keep this to the basics. It depends a lot on what kind of writers block you’re having. “I can’t figure out what happens next.” Take a break, breathe, and outline. Even if you’re not a big outliner, having a direction to go in can […]

What not to (not) write in fantasy.

I’ve seen some posts going around on what not to write in fantasy, many of which amount to: Don’t write evil kings. Don’t write people who are evil for the sake of evil. Don’t write bullies. Don’t write villains at all actually. Don’t write mentors. Don’t let your characters learn how to do hard things on their […]

The Stuff In Between The Dialogue.

Though we don’t usually need a lot going on outside the dialogue itself, it often feels static or otherwise unnatural if you have a entire conversation with dialogue, a few tags, and nothing else. But we never want to add extra words for the sake of just having words. Everything we write should contribute to […]

Writing Engaging Antagonists

Before we get started, I want to clarify two things: – Antagonists can be of any moral alignment. They can be also be non-human things, such as monsters, nature, inner demons, etc. The antagonist is simply the primary thing your protagonist fights against. – For the course of this article I will be talking about […]